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As a child i dabbled in a number of things we had rabbits,hamsters and mice that i would breed carefully from the age of around 11 my safe place was my rabbit shed which held a group of english rabbits id dubbed it my bunny barn.

leading the charge was my midnight a broken black english  doe that was  full of spunk and intellegenace after a few years life rolled on and i had to make a choice did i have time any more with studys & work?.....the worst day for me was seeing them go they left a gapping hole in my heart.


i kept midnight as a pet till she passed away of old age little did i know the following year's after she passed was to be evenful i grabbed a backpack and hit asia for 18 months !

Having grown up alot i met my husband and we settled down to the point where that hole in my chest started bleating again, i missed my rabbits, i missed watching them grow and i also missed the community that it entailed.


a little cross breed we named hikaru opened the gate coming to us at a meer six weeks old she was a mangled mush of a number of breeds with a deva like attuide, i have to thank her so much as she warmed up my husband for me we still have her to this day and she is rolling in at nine years old and spoilt rotton.

early in 2012 my life changed for me after being subjected to the worse pain of my life for three weeks i was taken into hospital turned out i had a cyst on my overy the size of a grapfruit the joy! and it had ruptured taking my appendix along for the ride..3 weeks later am allowed home for recovery knowing i would be house bound for a while i was day dreaming looking at local pet adverts and spotted a little mini rex buck he looked so sleek and soft nothing like i had experanced before.


20 minutes later i was on the phone to blacksnape and they delivered kangen & his wife for us two days later. i am eternally greatful to blacksnape for this chance she had entrusted with us.

ever since then  our mini rex have been part of family life i couldnt be happyer ,having rejoined such a lovely community of breeders i couldnt ask for more well more hutches is always a good start !


Honorable mention





Lorna ward of blacksnape bunnies


with out you i would never of choosen mini rex and they are now my world

i wish you all the luck in the world with your bunnys and keep going with the dressage!

Becca gamble of pied pipers rabbitry

when ever ive had a low you've always been there to pick me back up!

and helped my project move forward by letting me claim bandit from birth & entrusted chi chi into my care

i wish you many years of greatness.

Leah jackson of double dutch rabbitry for the endless gentics discussion's.

i wish you all the best in your endevers.

last but not least my husband who puts up with having a wife covered in hay and rabbits running around trying to eat his shoes.


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