Mini Rex Breed Bio
The Mini Rex is a smaller breed of the Rex rabbit. Their unique, dense, plush, velvet-like fur, was caused by a mutation which came from the wild rabbits in France in the late 19th century. The Rex mutation is recessive and causes the hair to protrude outwards from the body, instead of lying flat, and the guard hairs to be shortened to the length of the undercoat.
Their small size, plush coat and friendly personalities make them one of the most popular rabbit breeds in the United States. It weighs 3.5 to 4.5 pounds when fully grown. Short and rather close coupled, it is moderately well filled with flesh. The ideal length of its fur is 5/8 inch, and is to have a lustrous appearance, good body, and a plush-like effect which offers a distinct springy resistance to the touch.
a good group to learn more about the breed is Marvellous Mini rex RabbitsThe breed club for mini rex in the uk is the British Mini Rex Club, was only fully established in 2011.

Handy Tips
if you want your hutch to last alot longer, a litter tray in the corner your kit picks to go toilet in can save the hutch from rotting and also makes it easier to clean.
To clean plastic and wooden hutches don't fork out for expensive gimicks from the superstores, grab some vinegar and hot water it might smell like a chippy briefly but it really does work to remove the lime scale and bad smells.
if you have more then one rabbit try checking out your local animal feeds store you will find a better price for the bulk order on food,shavings and hay.We recommend Pendle Animal feeds very highly as they are prompt in reply ,always on time and try to keep their prices low.

What do I need to keep a Mini Rex?
a Four foot hutch is recommended or bigger, the extra room gives them the space to "binky" about and burn off their energy a space to run around to exorcise be it an actually bunnie run or a safe zone ( nibble proofed room).
A decent supply of hay is needed as a daily supplement to aid digestion and not having this provided can lead to health problems.You will be sent home with change over food for a kit adopted but you can wean them onto a new food of your choice.
Pellets are recommended as they stop them picking and choosing what they eat which can leave them lacking in the vitamins and minerals they need.covered floor in the hutch avoid plastic linoleum type flooring in hutches/ enclosures with Rex rabbits as they can cause foot soresWater bottle, go for the medium to the larger option.
You can NEVER have to much water!
Kits from us will be used to getting a small amount of veg as a treat but to be on the safe side stick to little amounts at first to avoid mucky bums.Nail clippers for small animals are also a recommended purchase unless you are able to take them to a local groomer or vet.