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To give you a good idea of the Rainbow of rex out there and help you identify your own little ones
This is Still under Construction.

please note this list is not exhausted yet we need more!
got a bunny colour in mini rex not listed belowe find us on FB
 (kangens mini rex crew) 
and we will get you in the right section.

Self Colours


 Rich chocolate brown with a slate undercoat has almost a ruby tone over all brown eyes with a ruby tones
Genotype aabbC-D-E

Blue (dilute black)

Full body a rich blue gray to the skin, the eyes can be brown or bluish brown 
nails are light or dark
Genotype aaB-C-ddE-


Jet black all over. Slate blue undercolour. Eyes brown or occasionally blue. Nails black or dark horn. 
Genotype aaB-C-D -E-

Lilac  (dilute of Havana)

Pinky dove grey all over.Eyes blue-brown or blue-brown with a ruby glow. Nails light horn. 
Genotype aabbC-ddE-

Agouti Colours


lush mahogany or chestnut brown color with black tipping is the Perfect color for castor mini rex they are one of the more overlooked colours. 
You can get gray or very red variants of this colour.
The intermediate orange colored ring band should take up 50% of the hair shaft and the slate blue undercolor the other 50%. If the ring band is narrow it has heavy black tipping. Eye circles,tummy,jaw and under tail white. Nape of neck and groin area orange.
Eyes are brown
there are a few tones to this colour some can appear gray which can be corrected via breeding to an Orange.


The coat should have an overall grey dusted fawn colour edged with white. Its back has a Slate undercoat and can have a thin or wide fawn band with blue tips. The belly again has a Slate undercoat with a white top coat. The Under Jaw, eye circles, inside of ears and under-tail are usually white. The back or nape of neck and groin should be yellow/orange. The eyes can be blue-grey or brown and the nails can be either dark or light.
Genotype A-B-C-ddE-


Overall impression bright orange edged with white. Back: White undercolour, Orange top colour. Belly: White. Ears duller orange, but clear orange preferable. Underjaw, eye circles, inside of ears, under-tail white. Eyes brown. Nails light or dark horn. 
Genotype A-B-C-D-ee



The surface color of the top and the sides of the body should be a light orange, which is  tipped with lilac. 
The first band is to be an orange tone, clearly defined over white under color. 
Eyes are blue gray
Genotype A-bbC-ddE-


They are castors but without the black tones, it should have a slate base followed by orange then Topped with chocolate. Eye circles,tummy,ear, jaw and undertail are white.
Can be used just like an orange to improve the tones of a castor project line
Eyes Brown 
Genotype A-bbC-D-E-


Overall impression sparkling silvery-grey edged with white. Back: Slate undercolour, pearly white band, black tips. Belly: Slate undercolour, white top colour. Ears laced black. Underjaw, eye circles, inside of ears, under-tail white. Eyes blue, blue-grey or brown. Nails dark horn or black. 
Genotype A-B-c chd-D-E-

FAWN (Non-extension)

 A nice pastel pale fawn with white edging on the back white undercoat fawn top coat.tummy white alongside the under jaw undertail eye circles and inside ears.Ears can be slightly darker fawn sometimes. 
Eyes brown or grey
nails light or dark
Genotype A-B-C-ddee



 Lovely bumble bee cross hatchings of black and orange,on the back orange and black stripes.On the bellie orange with a black top coat of stripes. one leg,ear and side of the face black the other orange.
nails light or dark
eyes brown
Genotype A-B-C-D-e j-

HARLEQUIN BLUE (dilute of black)

same as black harlequin above But with Blue replacing the Black
Genotype A-B-C-dde j-

HARLEQUIN chocolate

same as black harlequin above But with chocolate replacing the Black
Genotype A-bbC-D-e j-


same as black harlequin above But with Lilac replacing the Black
Genotype A-bbC-dde j-


White and black chequered effect view from above is black and white stripes ,half the face black,one ear and one leg preferred but hard to achieve
eyes brow
nails light or dark 
Genotype A-B-cchd-D-ej


same as black magpie but replaced with lilac also eyes can be brown or grey 
Genotype A-bbcchd-ddej-


same as Black magpie but replaced with brown
Genotype A-bbcchd-D-ej-


same as black magpie but with blue replacing the black.
brown or grey eyes
Genotype A-B-cchd-ddej

Tan Pattern


Overall impression jet black edged with orange then white. Back: Slate under colour, jet black top colour. Belly: Slate under colour, white top colour, edge of belly orange. Top of tail choc. Under Jaw, eye circles, inside of ears, under-tail white edged with orange. Nape of neck and groin streaks orange. Eyes brown. Nails dark or light horn. 
Genotype a t-B-C-D-E-


 Overall impression chocolate-brown edged with orange then white. Back: Slate undercolour, chocolate top colour. Belly: Slate undercolour, white top colour, edge of belly orange. Top of tail blue. Underjaw, eye circles, inside of ears, under-tail white edged with orange. Nape of neck and groin streaks orange. Eyes brown with a ruby glow in the pupil. Nails dark or light horn. 
Genotype a t-bbC-D-E-


Overall impression pinky dove grey edged with orange/fawn than white. Back: Pearly white undercolour, lilac top colour. Belly: Pearly white undercolour, white top colour, edge of belly orange/fawn. Top of tail lilac. Underjaw, eye circles, inside of ears, under-tail white edged with orange/fawn. Nape of neck and groin streaks orange/fawn. Eyes blue-brown or brown. Nails dark or light horn. 
Genotype a t-bb-C-ddE-

Black Fox

Overall impression jet black edged with sprinklings of white. Back: Slate undercolour, black top colour. Belly: Slate undercolour, white top colour. Top of tail black. Underjaw, eye circles, inside of ears, under-tail and nape white. Eyes brown, or blue. Nails dark horn. 
Genotype a t-B-cchd-D-E-


Overall impression blue-grey edged with orange/fawn then white. Back: Blue colour. Belly: Slate undercolour, white top colour, edge of belly orange/fawn. Top of tail blue. Underjaw, eye circles, inside of ears, under-tail white edged with orange/fawn. Nape of neck and groin streaks orange/fawn. Eyes blue-brown or brown. Nails dark or light horn.
Genotype a t-B-C-ddE-

Blue fox

Smoke Pearl

Marten Sable


Siamese Sable

Chocolate Point

Lilac Point


 Overall impression rich orange shading to soot black restricted to the 'points' and belly. Back: rich orange shading to sooty tipped orange on the lower flanks, undercolour white. Belly: sooty black. Undercolour orange and white. Smut, ears, feet and tail also sooty. Eyes brown. Nails light or dark horn. 
Genotype aaB-C-D-ee



The body color is white. The ears, nose, feet and tail are as dark a black or blue as possible. a confusing colour if it appears in litters as looks like a rew and with age the points form.
The nose marking and is to be well rounded and distinct.
 Eye Color-red

 Himalayan â€‹chocolate



The body color is white. The ears, nose, feet and tail are as dark  blue as possible. a confusing colour if it appears in litters as looks like a rew and with age the points form.
The nose marking and is to be well rounded and distinct.

Whites (ermine)


The rabbit is to be bright white and as clean as possible with no stains. 
Eyes are pink 
Not to be confused with Bew ( red eye will Not damage most colours and can be used to clean up some projects depending on its parentage ) 
Should only be avoided in Blue eyed white breeding programs as gives a pink tone to the eyes also cause lilac eyes which is a disqualification for an ermine blue eye

Bright white full body with no yellowing or stains
Eyes bright blue.
Tread carefully with this colour as unlike rew it can affect your breeding program for years always make others aware if you have a blue eyed white in your program as way down the line a "vienna" babie could be produced
this colour and its off casts in kangens crew current chosen colour project.
any outcrossed with red eyes should be avoided also  including chocolate tones to protect the brightness of the blue eyes

Broken pattern's


Genotype [colour] + Enen 
Dalmatian Rex are only standardized in Black, Blue, Chocolate and "Tri-colour" (Harlequin)

Coat is not pigmented that is to say white all over. The 
pattern consists of numerous little coloured patches covering the body, head 
and ears. 

Bi-colour - White body with pattern of one colour only. 
Tri-colour - White body with pattern of two colours (i.e. black patches and fawn patches). 

 The colour to be carried down as far as possible. Eyes and ears to match appropriate colours; 
solid ears, eye circles and smut are allowable. 
 full nose butterfly is preferred
FAULTS: Not enough coloured patches. 
DISQUALIFICATIONS: Pattern too much like that of a butterfly or an 
English i.e. with a resemblance of a saddle. 


At least 70 % of the body has to be 
covered by this very large blanket,can be any accepted colour as these are currently not accepted for show.
The sides, the back, the shoulders and the hindquarters are fully covered by 
this blanket.

Dots on the side of the chest are ignored but 
should be small or only two. On the chest a maximum of three dots is allowed.

Royal Tuxedos 


The whole body is covered with red/fawn/gold/gold-fawn hair. At least 70 % of the body have to be covered by this very large blanket. On top of this blanket are black/blue/chocolate/lilac dots and 


The pattern reminds on the bark of a birch tree or. Single spotting is also allowed as long as the dots appear clear. The sides, the back, the shoulders and the hindquarters are fully covered by this blanked. 


A striped pattern like the harlequin breed shows is absolutely not appreciated. Dots are allowed to be connected. 


All four paws are white. The chest is white and clean. Dots on the side of the chest are ignored but 
should be small or only two. On the chest a maximum of three dots is allowed.

there are a number of variety's of these being produced at the moment
Royal Tuxedo Standards , they are not accepted in the uk YET

Charlie Marked

Now don't get upset seeing these  wonderful little bundles of quirk they are actually  REALLY useful

A Charlie is a special type of broken patterned rabbit.   suffice it to say that Charlies look like sparsely patterned brokens, often having less than 10% color on a field of white fur.  Charlies who have more than 10% color may be shown with other brokens. 

 (By the way, they are called Charlies after Charlie Chaplin because of the sometimes abbreviated mustache that resembles his.)

neat fact :breed a charlie to a solid rabbit and you will get 100% broken offspring

Vienna Marked

Vienna marked mini rex are the overflow of a blue eyed white project they are to be avoided unless you are  working on blue eyed white rabbits. they come in all colours can have full blue,part blue eyes or brown eyes

it is Not standardized
 has nothing to actually do with the genes that produce dutch markings on the breed of the same name 
only way to know if this is the full genetics of your weird and wonderful bunny is to breed it to a blue eyed white and work out the % in the litter.

These make great breeding stock in a BEW line only personally i love these little guys



would like to personally thank everyone who has helped us with this so far that have provided pictures that we didn't have ,Lorna ward of blacksnape bunnies, leanne short of Yorkshire Rose stud,Surrey mini rex ,leah jackson and batzBelry and becca gamble! 

If you spot your bunny PLEASE let us know so we can get the correct details on there for you to be fully credited x



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