Our Mini Rex Crew
Our Does
Our Bucks

Kangen was bred by Blacksnape bunnies, hes a lovely friendly intelligent little man. the reason we have our crew in the first place.litter trained and likes to keep a tidy house with an addiction to silk blankets.
[Cinnamon Vienna marked]
very fun loveing free and smart, such a great addtion to our stud, forever greatful to bunnyville stud for this little charmer x
[Royal tux,Clean of bew lines]
mother is our panku and father is a lovely royal tux boy from bunnyville , love this sweet boy so much already ♥
:siblings,black tux,2 castor tux, and a self blue x
[vienna marked broken black with blue eyes]
Kangen & miosora's Grandson

Tattoi is a lovely soppy girl with nearly pure blue eyes,she adores her snuggles.was the kit with the best coat in her litter.
[Vienna marked Opal part lue eyes]
Bred by us

Nick named mallow
this little boy/girl is staying with us and such an achivement as they are our first home bred blue eyed white!
bred from Vm opal xBroken black Vm
a great leap in our progress,certianly helps that this little bunny thinks its a lap dog rather than a wee critter too
siblings:vm opal,vm castor,blue fawn harliquin vm,vm broken castor and Tri colour vm
kangens great grand son / daughter

our hansome little boy,a blue fawn harliquin vm with stunning blue eyes. he already seems to be such a little show pony lets hope for some more to come
bred from Vm opal xBroken black Vm
siblings:vm opal,vm castor,blue fawn harliquin vm,vm broken castor and Tri colour vm
kangens great grand son